Settlement Offer Letter

I am sending this letter in hopes that we may reach an amicable settlement in the case referenced above.

Please be advised that although I am hopeful that we can reach a settlement on the below terms, this letter does not constitute a binding legal agreement. It should instead be considered the beginning of a conversation that may lead to a legally binding Settlement Agreement, acceptable to all parties.

My proposed settlement terms are as follows:

1. Payment of $ ________ (________) as full and final satisfaction of all claims and disputes related to this case.

2. A complete release and discharge of any and all claims, liabilities, causes of action, demands, defenses, damages, and costs of any kind or nature whatsoever.

3. A waiver of any potential claims, regardless of whether they are currently foreseen or currently accrued.

4. A dismissal document filed, with prejudice, in the court where the case is located.

5. The following additional terms:

8 28258 8222822222 82585 82 8222822222 5222 52 25285225 8582222 525222222 85825 22 252 22528 888225 58282. 855828225882, 252 5222822222 825222222 82585 222 8222582 52 552888822 22 885888822 25 58222882522222 22 8522252822.

If you would like to discuss these terms, please reach out to me at any of the contact points above. If you would like to accept, please send me signed, written confirmation that these terms are acceptable within five (5) business days, and we can have a formal Settlement Agreement drawn up.

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Re: Settlement Offer for Case No. ________ , ________

I am sending this letter in hopes that we may reach an amicable settlement in the case referenced above.

Please be advised that although I am hopeful that we can reach a settlement on the below terms, this letter does not constitute a binding legal agreement. It should instead be considered the beginning of a conversation that may lead to a legally binding Settlement Agreement, acceptable to all parties.

My proposed settlement terms are as follows:

1. Payment of $ ________ (________) as full and final satisfaction of all claims and disputes related to this case.

2. A complete release and discharge of any and all claims, liabilities, causes of action, demands, defenses, damages, and costs of any kind or nature whatsoever.

3. A waiver of any potential claims, regardless of whether they are currently foreseen or currently accrued.

4. A dismissal document filed, with prejudice, in the court where the case is located.

5. The following additional terms:

8 28258 8222822222 82585 82 8222822222 5222 52 25285225 8582222 525222222 85825 22 252 22528 888225 58282. 855828225882, 252 5222822222 825222222 82585 222 8222582 52 552888822 22 885888822 25 58222882522222 22 8522252822.

If you would like to discuss these terms, please reach out to me at any of the contact points above. If you would like to accept, please send me signed, written confirmation that these terms are acceptable within five (5) business days, and we can have a formal Settlement Agreement drawn up.