About Recording Radio and Film Connection

The Recording Radio and Film Connection has been utilizing the mentor-extern training approach to help our students launch careers in broadcasting, recording and film for over 30 years. During that time, we’ve made a lot of connections, and we’ve helped our students make a lot of connections. And as you already know, connections are KEY to breaking into these industries.

We pride ourselves on offering a singular educational experience: the chance to learn one-on-one from a working industry professional. Our unique blend of mentor/extern education and real world learning has helped many people find the career of their dreams.

Meet the Recording Radio and Film Connection Team

Like anything else, RRFC the Recording Connection the Film Connection the Radio Connection the Chef Apprentice School of the Arts works because of the great team we have in place!

For business opportunities or to speak with an executive please email [email protected]

Please meet our staff below:

If you’re not yet an enrolled student:

Admissions Department

The mission of this department is to help you with your educational goals. If you want to apply, or follow up on an application already submitted, this is the department to contact. However, if you have already spoken to an Admissions Representative and are waiting to meet your mentor for your open house interview, please click the next department listed.

Mentor & Student Placement Department

Please contact this department if you’ve already spoken to an Admissions Representative and have already been approved to meet a mentor.

Financial Planning Department

Please contact this department if you need assistance in paying for your tuition, or are interested in our in-house financing or other loan options. Please note: Financial Aid Representatives are available to help you with your tuition ONLY after you have spoken with your Admissions Representative. Please do not contact this department unless you have spoken to an Admissions Representative first.

For currently accepted and enrolled students:

Student Services Department

This department is for accepted and enrolled students only, and is dedicated to helping you successfully complete your program, as well as job placement when you graduate. Please feel free to contact the Student Services Department for any questions about your homework, transfers, scheduling, and other challenges you may be experiencing.

Administration Department

This department handles already accepted or current students who have questions about enrollment, books and materials, or other questions.

Accounting Department

This department handles inquires about tuition/payments for already accepted students or current students and mentor-related payments.