Certification Process

Young girl studying

The Child & Youth Care Certification Board provides an assessment process and certification to child and youth care practitioners who demonstrate their commitment to high standards of care and commitment to ongoing competence development. The CYC certification program is the most rigorous demonstration of competence in the field.

Steps in the Certification Process: CYCCB uses a multi-method approach to competence demonstration. Certification is awarded to candidates who successfully demonstrate their CYC competence through completion of all the steps listed below:

    Determine which certification level best describes your experience, training/education and level of competence. Choose the highest level at which you qualify. Practitioners can apply at any of the three CYC certification levels: Entry(CYC), Associate (CYC-A), and Professional (CYC-P). It is not necessary to complete certification at a lower level before applying at a higher level. The Entry and Associate Levels are not available in Canada.

Application Forms: Each certification level has its own set of application forms. Use the forms for the level you choose. Downloading forms from the CYCCB website assures you are using the most up-to-date editions of each form.

Fillable PDF forms can be downloaded into your device. These allow you to easily type your responses in the fillable blanks on the forms using a keyboard. These can be sent to CYCCB either electronically or printed and sent by mail or scan. Please change the file name so we can identify the form as yours (i.e., e-Associate Level Application Jane Smith.pdf). Be sure to keep a copy of the file for your records.







CYCCB encourages individuals seeking employment to research the education and experience requirements of prospective employers as they vary by region and organization. Many offer increased opportunities and benefits to CYC certified practitioners.

CYC Certification levels are recognized by the Council on Accreditation (COA) as qualification for many positions. Check the standards that apply to your program at the COA website.

If you are interested in learning more about accreditation for academic programs, visit the Child & Youth Care Educational Accreditation Board of Canada. CYCCB is a founding supporter of the CYCEAB.

Provisional Certification

just certified smile

Provisional certification is available to support part-time workers and students who are graduating from college and university programs based on the five CYC certification competency domains.

Provisional certification is available at the Entry Level, Associate Level and Professional Level. To qualify, practitioners complete all certification level requirements with the exception of experience. Practitioners are granted a 30 month period in which to gain experience so the certificate can be converted to a full certification.


hector testing

CYCCB offers both proctored in-person testing and virtually proctored on-line testing. In-person testing is offered through the many organizations, universities, and professional associations allied with CYCCB across the US and Canada. CYCCB encourages practitioners to use this method of testing, when possible. For practitioners who are not able to access in-person testing, the virtually proctored on-line testing is available.

In-person testing can be scheduled at any of the CYCCB authorized test sites. Find the site closest to your location. Contact the person listed for details on testing available at the site. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if a contact person is not listed or if additional information is needed.

The CYC exams are composed of 75-89 questions that relate to scenarios. The scenarios describe practice in a variety of settings including early childhood education, after school, foster, residential and group care, and juvenile justice. The scenarios were submitted by practitioners who described actual practice situations. Each question offers 4-5 possible answers to choose from. One answer is based on correct application of CYC principles and ‘best practices’ to the situation described in the scenario. Sample test questions are available.

Results of the certification pilot studies show that high numbers of the respondents believed that the exams tested important aspects of CYC and that the scenarios and questions reflected realistic practice situations.

Testing sessions are typically scheduled for 3 ½ hour time periods. This allows 30 minutes for registration, orientation to the testing program, and completion of required forms. Practitioners then have an additional 3 hours to answer the exam questions. At the end of the 3 hour period the exam is returned to the proctor and the testing session ends.

Test results are typically sent to the person completing testing within two weeks of the test date. CYCCB does not report test scores; instead the test report informs the practitioner as to whether or not they passed the exam and the percentile in which they performed when compared to all others who have taken the exam.


Applicants complete the following forms to apply for certification:

  1. Application for Certification
  2. Colleague References (2)
  3. Supervisor Assessment (Entry level uses the Supervisor Reference)
  4. Electronic Portfolio Guidelines and Template (professional level only)

woman at computer

All forms are available in PDF format except the Electronic Portfolio Template, which is available in MS WORD format. The same forms are used in both Canada and the United States. Most forms are available as fillable PDF forms. Either form type can be used.

The forms were updated in 2018. These forms replace all previous versions in use. The name and version number of a form is included at the top left corner of each form above the page number.

All of the forms are formatted with information displayed along the left margin of each page. This information helps applicants understand requirements and provides additional information regarding options and requirements.

Entry and Associate level applications must be filed within a year of the date of testing. The filing time period cannot be extended. Professional level applications must be filed within 6 months of the date of testing. CYCCB grants a one-time 6-month extension at the Professional level to practitioners who request an extension and pay a $20 administrative fee.

Completed forms and supporting documentation are mailed to the CYC Office, 1212 Orr Street, College Station, Texas 77840-6906, USA. It is helpful to use a shipping method that allows for tracking of the shipment in case it is lost in transit. Although forms are rarely lost in transit, it is wise to keep a copy of all completed forms and supporting documents. Application forms and supporting documentation can be scanned and transmitted to the office electronically. Please check the scans to be sure they are readable before transmitting.

Practitioners engaged in the application process are encouraged to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to answer application and documentation questions or to transmit documents.

Certification Fees

The testing fee is paid when testing is scheduled. The fee for application processing is typically enclosed with the application or paid on-line. The extension fee is typically submitted with the application. Payment is accepted in both Canadian and US currency. Check boxes are provided on the first page of the application to document how payment is made. Payment can be made by:

Current certification fees are listed on this website under the MAKE PAYMENTS tab.

CYC Professional Certification Workbook

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The CYC Professional Certification Workbook is designed to help child and youth work practitioners prepare and apply for CYC certification. It provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-use format.

It includes information on the history of the CYC certification effort, characteristics of certified practitioners, the testing and application process, forms, costs, and sources for a wide variety ofarticles, publications, and professional development supports useful to CYC practitioners working in any setting. The sections on test preparation and the professional portfolio offer sample exam questions and portfolio responses.

The workbook is in response to the need for a one-stop source of information that addresses applicant questions and needs. Whether you are preparing for testing, completing an application, or simply exploring how to improve your CYC knowledge and skills, this workbook is designed for you.

The workbook costs $40 USD and $81 CAD. Shipping charges are included.


CYCCB offers monthly webinars to help practitioners answer questions regarding the application process. Practitioners can register for a webinar electronically.


two staff in office

Colleague References and the Supervisor Assessment provide a method for verifying that a practitioner is able to incorporate critical knowledge, skills and ethical considerations into daily practices.

Two Colleague References and one Supervisor Assessment (Entry Level uses a Supervisor Reference) are submitted. The forms are unique to each certification level. These forms are typically mailed or scanned to the CYC Office separately from the application form. This method is used to encourage people submitting reference information to respond honestly without fear that the information submitted will be shared with the applicant. Information submitted on Colleague Reference and Supervisor Assessment forms is not shared with the applicant and is only made available to CYCCB staff processing the application.

It is helpful to check back with your colleagues and supervisor to verify that they have filled out the forms and submitted them to CYCCB. When the Office reviews your application, a notice will be sent to you verifying the documents that have been received. It is the responsibility of the applicant to follow up with colleagues and supervisors to assure submission of the forms.

A check box is included on both the Colleague Reference and Supervisor Assessment where the person submitting the form recommends that the applicant be certified. In some cases the Office may contact the applicant and request that additional Colleague References or another Supervisor Assessment be submitted. This additional documentation will be considered by the application review team. Applications receiving negative recommendations are typically reviewed by the CYCCB Board before being fully-certified.