3 Real Community Manager Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

3 Real Community Manager Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

You handle communications in all directions, serving as the face of your company and upholding its values. PR, local events, social media—name a business communication channel, and you’re probably on it!

But how do you pack all that value into a concise resume to communicate your qualification level? And how do you make it look good?

We’ve got this—after helping people like you for years, we’ve distilled our experience and knowledge into these resume templates and time-tested advice that can help.

Community Manager Resume

Community manager resume example with 8+ years experience

Professional Community Manager Resume

Professional community manager resume example

Formal Community Manager Resume

Formal community manager resume example

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What Matters Most: Your Skills & Experience Sections

Your resume skills and work experience

First off, recruiters want to see what you can do: Your skills list should provide a brief but highly effective overview of your abilities. Make sure anything you list is extremely relevant to your field and supports the message that you’re made for this role!

Many applicants make the mistake of listing every skill they can think of, including some broad or generic ones that could apply to anyone. But what you want is to stand out, so get specific with your skills.

If you used a certain program to manage a successful PR campaign, name it so that you can reference it later in your experience section. If you specialize in analytics, say so!

9 top community manager skills

Sample community manager work experience bullet points

Your skills list makes an impressive intro for your qualifications—but recruiters want to see how you’ve used those skills to nurture communications with your target audience. It’s time to go beyond your toolbox to describe what you’ve built!

Since you’re in a managerial role, remember that you’ll want to demonstrate your capacity for career growth. Provide increasingly impressive examples of your multi-channel engagement to show advancement.

Oh, and never forget to back your claims with data! You can describe planning the best PR event in company history, but it won’t hold much weight without quantifiable metrics of the impact you made with it.

Here are some examples of what we mean:

Top 5 Tips for Your Community Manager Resume

  1. Get really specific
  2. Keep it concise
  3. Again: Demonstrate growth
  4. Avoid visual overkill
  5. Metrics really do matter

Frequently Asked Questions