DHS Highlights Efforts to Address Human Trafficking

Combating human trafficking is a top priority for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Biden-Harris Administration. Today, the White House released an updated National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, which focuses on four key U.S. and global anti-trafficking efforts: prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnerships. DHS, a leader in the fight against human trafficking, helped develop the White House whole-of-government National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking.

DHS is supporting and implementing the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking by

DHS has a long-standing commitment to combat human trafficking. In the last fiscal year, DHS has made tremendous progress on this issue.

DHS Fiscal Year 2021 Highlights to Combat Human Trafficking

DHS is home to the Center for Countering Human Trafficking (CCHT), which integrates the efforts of every component within DHS involved in combating human trafficking. DHS efforts range across criminal investigations, victim assistance, identifying and reporting human trafficking, external outreach, intelligence, and training. The CCHT better equips and positions DHS to accomplish and improve every aspect of its counter human trafficking efforts.

The DHS Blue Campaign educates the public, law enforcement, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders through partnerships, advertisements, and social media about the indicators of human trafficking and how to report it.

In October, on the first anniversary of the CCHT, DHS released new initiatives across components to highlight the victim centered approach to combat sex trafficking and forced labor. In October, Secretary Mayorkas also directed DHS components to incorporate a victim-centered approach into all policies, programs, and activities governing DHS interactions with victims of crime.