Caring for the child requiring long-term ventilation

Caring for the child requiring long-term ventilation

Upon completion of this chapter, the reader should be able to accomplish the following: 1 Define long-term ventilation (LTV) 2 Understand common reasons for LTV 3 Describe common modes of ventilation used

with LTV 4 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of invasive

versus non-invasive ventilation 5 Develop insight into the general nursing skills

required to care for a child on LTV 6 Explore the role of humidification and HME filters

(wet and dry circuits) 7 Appraise the use of speaking valves 8 Gain insight into the teaching of parents and

children including the discharge process 9 Describe the considerations of LTV at home

including psychosocial implications

• neuromuscular disease; • congenital central hypoventilation syndrome

(CCHS); • spinal injury; • bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD); • tracheal-bronchial malacia (floppy airways).